Tuesday, August 14, 2007

new york....new yoooork!

what a weekend!.....on friday, my photog bud joe and i took the train to NY for Erica & Raphael's BIG DAY!!! i have to admit, i was wondering if the weather would hold up because it had been SO SO SO SO hot over the last week!

...and i still cannot get over how absolutely GORGEOUS it was on Saturday!!

first i need to thank joe for taking this trip with me and helping me out SO MUCH!!! i don't think i can shoot with you anymore because the quality of your images makes mine look awful. HAHA. yes...yes...i want a new camera. but it'll have to be a 2008 expense :)

the bride, groom, family & friends were so welcoming and sweet to us...and get this....I HAD MY OWN NAME CARD at the reception!!! this is a FIRST! i was so impressed and touched....THANK YOU GUYS!!!

they had all the tables named as different cities that were special to each of them....HOW DID THEY KNOW that i love LA?! ;)

at any rate -- i hope you two have a wonderful honeymoon and are enjoying the first few days of marriage!!! thanks for letting me shoot your day, it was a joy and honor!!!