Friday, August 31, 2007

gabrielle, josh, henry, and baby william

this morning i had the pleasure of photographing the Batkin Family over in lincoln park!! it turned out to be a gorgeous morning and the kids were throwing out smiles effortlessly! man, i had no idea lincoln park was THE PLACE for all the local toddlers to hang out mid-morning -- the park came alive with families and dogs and made me realize all over again how much i enjoy capitol hill!!

i'm still pretty in love with my new sepia technique, so alot of them were processed that way -- but don't worry Batkins, you'll have plenty of color photographs as well!!!

thanks for letting me share the morning with you!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

my experiment....

i have to tell ya...there this process alot of my faaaaavorite photographers use that sends me over the edge. i have NO IDEA how they do it and i've tried manipulating it, faking, forcing it.....and my images could NEVER look the way theirs did!!!!

i was losing SLEEP over this!!!
well, wouldn't you know -- one of my photog-inspirations FINALLY revealed the secret the other day, and it's a photoshop ACTION to you can purchase and apply to images!!!

i still have NO idea how it works, but it involves ALOT of steps that i'm sure i'd never learn anyways, so with the press of one button (man, i'm giving away the magic, right?), i now have the EXACT images i want!!!!

i could bounce OFF THE WALLS over this!!!!!
so, without further ado, and having taken the liberties of exploiting a very GORGEOUS baby as my muse, here you have it!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Garrett Wills & Co.

i have so many photos from my weekend, but for some weird reason, this blog site won't allow me to upload any more than this....maybe it'll have to carry over to another post :)

chad and i went down to NC to attend a friend's wedding, and had the lovely pleasure of staying with jonathan & aimee wills! long live PowerShares! ;)

at any rate -- they have a freaking ADORABLE three month old and there are just some things you can't resist photographing! he was probably the happiest and most content child i have ever seen, particularly for his age!

thanks for letting us crash at your place, aimee and was so good to catch up!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

marykate & doug

wow! this wedding FLEW BY!!! marykate and doug's wedding was so...easy! effortless! smooth! seth and i had the privilege of shooting their wedding and we couldn't have asked for better weather, location, and couple! :) it was my first time shooting out in leesburg, virginia -- and i hope i have many more weddings out there! it definitely has some advantages over big city weddings!

thank you both for inviting seth and me to your big day!
we had a great time and wish you two ALL the happiness in the world!